03 June 2009

Sloth. Wrath. Pride. A little of envy, lust, gluttony & greed.

Of the seven deadly sins, I am 'guilty' of all. But guilt is an emotion that does not strike me in this case.

Sloth. I need to slowly change that, if at all.

Wrath. This I know I can rein in eventually.

Pride. If sin this will be, a sinner I shall stay.

Envy. I have since learnt to keep this under control with open arms.

Lust. What can a modern male say about this.

Gluttony. Food in moderation, under control. Sometimes.

Greed. Who can deny the lure of one's desires.

People making use of one another makes the world go round.
Nonexistent is an act of selfless charity.