05 April 2009

Destinies entwined but never joint.

That's how friends may come to be. I cannot believe I had even entertained such a thought. Values from the past are no long held close.

With yesterday's book out came along with it, my first involvement with a traffic accident or rather the lack thereof. An 8 car pile-up along PIE. The cab we were in was well enough to set us on our way after 30 minutes of evidence taking. The third & fourth car however, I wonder.

He thought that he was going to die. I thought I was lucky not to be thrown into the front seat. But I still on after-thought, did think that I could have died.

As our cab limped along to our destination with the rear wheeles sounding different, I imagined the suspension damage to be more serious than expected & for one stray steel rod to pierce the seat & through my spine.

Such morbid possibilities.

Now I question, do I want to drive a Swift next time?