12 March 2008

Apologies to Rina


I was feeling pretty 'left behind' when i didn't hear much from you. You sounded tired & not that open to a conversation when you did.

Turns out you probably were feeling the same as me when i didn't reply to your multiple sms. I didn't receive them. At least not yet.

I'm learning not to care. And often, i start all over from square one. I realize i can't bear to let you feel that way.

I'm planning to switch to Hi-card soon. So hopefully it'll put an end to the slow sms service. I received the Mas Selemat mms 4 days after the 2 day period the telecoms sent them out. The main reason for change is the bills.

My dad's paying for things not utilized. My mentality hasn't been aware of my situation. Still stuck in 2003, where i fire off at least 600 messages a month. Singtel has that $28 deal for choice should communication get hot.

Anyway, hope to see you soon, Rina. My apologies once again.